
Flowers Pictures, Images and Photos

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's Day!

We celebrated Valentine's on Saturday. First, Sam woke up at 3:00 in the morning to put a balloon bouqet in to suprise me.Unfortunately that early in the morning, mixed with the fact that it was super dark and I didn't have my contacts in, led to me being terrified of the balloons which looked like demons crawling on the ceiling making a hissing noise coming toward me. I don't think Sam has ever seen me that scared! He'll never learn that I hate suprises! Then Sam got up super early to set up the garage sale we had been putting off. It went really well, we made almost $150, just enough to buy me a much needed new vacuum! Yay! It's bagless, and lightweight, and yellow! We went to mall to buy eachother Chocolate and other goodies for V-day, then had a beautiful dinner at Black Angus. It was so nice....later, we came home and we filled our living room with balloons, built a fire, lit candles, and played romantic music we love. Sam had three beautiful poems he had picked out to read....it was perfect.

1 comment:

tnunley said...

Sounds like ya'll had a blast! Sam, who taught you how to be a romantic??